Coping with your mental health at Christmas

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The holiday period can be difficult for some of us coping with our mental health because we are being told to be happy and go to social gatherings with our friends and families as we are sold the idea of Christmas is a time of happiness and positivity.

This is always the case in reality and it can be difficult coping with your mental health at Christmas due to social events, reminiscing about achievements during the year, or the stress and money worries of buying gifts and beating the festive shopping crowds.

For me, I get stressed about these things as I hate crowds, and this year it’s not been great money-wise. I’ve also lost two grandparents this year and achievement wise I have failed to achieve what I set out and it looks like I’m spending New Year’s Eve alone.

I’ve set myself a list and I still have to brave the shops and buy a few gifts, but I love seeing the faces of my loved ones when I surprise them. I treat people how I would like to be treated so I try my best to buy nice presents.

I’m taking my niece and nephew to see Santa at the garden centre next week. I usually take them on a train trip but I thought I’d do something different this year.

Since my Gran passed away in 2009, 10 years ago Christmas has never been the same for our family. This year coping with my mental health has been really difficult yet again and losing two grandparents this year is making me reminisce more about the family Christmases we used to have. I would love to find some time to visit the graves, but it’s a 4-hour trek.

I never achieved the list I made earlier this year, but I guess there’s always next year, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned this year it’s to stop rushing things. I guess I do this when I’m going on a racing thoughts tandem that leads to me overspending and often upsetting loved ones because they don’t have the money or time to keep up with my plans.

I’m going to find New Years’s Eve hard as for the first time in years I spent New Year’s eve out with a very good mate, however that won’t be happening this year and I will probably be celebrating it alone in my parent house in my room.

If you find yourself struggling during the festive period don’t put any pressure on yourself to be happy and fit in. If you
aren’t that’s ok and you aren’t alone. Most of all be kind to
yourself and never forget nothing is more important than your health.