Attending Bolitho House

Boiltho House mental health

On Friday, I attended an assessment with the CMHT (Community Mental Health Team) at Bolitho House in Penzance.

I had a person taking notes as well as a psychiatrist.

They asked me questions about my mood and have asked me to keep a mood diary and said they will see me again in 8-10 weeks.

I’ve been waiting over a year for this appointment and after lots of trips to the GP, I finally was given an appointment.

As for a diagnosis they are still trying to decide if I have Borderline Personality Disorder or Bipolar 2.

There’s a possibility I could have both due to the fact that the two are similar and I show traits for both.

The only bad thing is that if I have a personality disorder it’s not recognised as a mental illness and makes me sound like an unstable, bad person.

Also, medication isn’t likely to work on someone with a personality disorder it’s all about therapy.

If I have bipolar, I’m terrified of going on mood tablets because they can cause weight gain and I have worked so hard to lose weight.

So I have to probably wait months until the so-called experts at Bolitho House can see me again.

I gained weight after my back was injured during an assault, due to lack of mobility and not being able to move let alone exercise.

I’m still trying to lose more weight as I type this blog post.

My parents have sold the house I grew up in and although there have mostly been bad memories over the past couple of years.

It’s not easy for someone with a mental health disorder to change and go to an unfamiliar area.

Yes, I’ve travelled, but I’ve always come back to St Ives and love it or hate it, I’ve spent a long time here and in that house.

My parents and I haven’t been getting on that well recently, and I’m worried that I will end up a recluse if I move in with them.

In the past year, I’ve joined the leisure centre which is a 10 minute walk away from my house and made a friend who lives about 5 minutes away from me.

I’ve also started kickboxing which is great for my mental health.

I’m sure I will work something out. I have to and only have 4 weeks left.

Tomorrow I’m setting off to see Pearl Jam at the 02 Arena in London after it was cancelled last month.

My niece’s Infant school leaving assembly is on Wednesday afternoon so I will be attending that.