Why suicide rates in the UK are on the rise

suicide rates

Suicide rates at an all-time high in the UK with statistics on the rise and this won’t decrease anytime soon, thanks to our government who have cut mental health funds to make up the NHS shortfall.

Theresa May has done you turn on a plan to give an extra 800 million to the NHS which was earmarked to help people with severe mental health problems.

An article in the Guardian claims that a letter written by NHS England’s finance chief, Paul Baumann, which has been seen by the Health Service Journal. Makes it clear that the £800m, which NHS England held back from its 209 clinical commissioning groups this year, will help stabilise NHS finances.

In his letter, Baumann confirms that NHS England now intends to use the “full amount” of the contingency fund to offset overspends by NHS acute hospital trusts in 2016-17.

In 2016 the health department had to dip into emergency funds of £205m.

Diverting the contingency money helped save the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt and his department’s mistakes.

Which tells us that are health secretary is incapable of his position and should be fired.

“In an interview, Jeremy Hunt has said that children’s mental services are the NHS’s biggest failing.

This is no surprise, especially now that the NHS is going to divert funding for trust deficits.

NHS England played down the impact on important services.

“As we’ve been saying since the start of the year, we set aside £800m to cover provider deficits if needed, and we do now need to,” a spokesman said.

“This is uncommitted money that would otherwise have been invested at the discretion of commissioners.

It will be important to get the trust deficit down next year, so planned investments can take place.”

Please let us know your thoughts on this and how you think the UK can lower its suicide rates?