A happy and healthy 2017 back on track

Happy and healthy 2017 logo

Here are some things that can help to take your mind off things and help you get back on track to a happy and healthy 2017:

Play an instrument

I play the guitar, so I’m going to continue to play new songs.

I have six guitars and two pedals, so I hope to improve my guitar playing, purchase the pedals I want to buy, record some songs that I have written and plan to purchase a microphone stand and the Rode NTA microphone.

I will also be attending the Shaw Academy Ultimate guitar course and will take the exams.

I need to also brush up on my music theory as well as practice.

Getting fit again

Since my back injury occurred in 2015, I’m hoping to leap back into shape.

I have purchased Pilate’s DVD’S to help me get back into shape, and I have also bought a scooter so I can improve my balance.

Towards the end of 2016, I started using my Wii again, however, since I bought a double bed, there isn’t a lot of room in my bedroom for exercise and with mum currently off sick, both her and dad are always in the lounge.

When the weather improves, I will be scooting around and will take pictures on walks.

Cornwall is a lovely place to go on coastal or country walks and take some pictures of scenery for my blog posts.

I plan to Vlog about my journeys 

Originally I planned to start a Vlog in the New Year, however, because I currently haven’t had the best start to 2017, I have decided that I will go with the flow and start vlogging when I feel ready.

I haven’t ridden my bike since October 2010.

I want to clean up my bike and start riding again. I lost lots of weight when I started mountain biking seven years ago.

I stopped when I got the push from the job I was in. I used to ride to work and back, even on wet days.

The reason I got the push was because I was accused of threatening my boss, then they just said that I never liked the job I was in and that I never got on with the boss and they had made up their mind and would pay me until the end of the month.

In 2016, I started reading books again. I started by reading autobiographies by Eric Clapton and Johnny Cash.

I then purchased a few SEO books on Amazon, and I’ve got my eye on buying a few more books.

I have recently read The Million Dollar Blog, and I’m currently reading Brian Wilson’s autobiography that my mum got me for Christmas.

I’m hoping that reading books will help me improve my writing and grammar skills.

Meditate daily

Many therapists and people from my Bipolar group have recommended meditation.

I’m keen to try it. I have tried some mobile apps, but unfortunately, like everything they come at a cost.

I’m going to have a look around on YouTube and see if there are any meditation videos I can do maybe once or twice daily to help relax me.

Let me know what you are doing towards a having a happy and healthy 2017?

Are you taking up a new hobby?

Are you Planning a new challenge?

Or going to a place you have never been to before?

Comment below and join in the discussion on @AdminChick .